Supporting the social mobility of trapped populations in very poor urban areas


While millions move to cities every year in search of better opportunities, many end up living in marginalized urban areas where the cycle of poverty is hard to break. Supporting the Social Mobility of Trapped Populations…

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Resilience and vulnerability at the urban nexus of food, water, energy and the environment


Rapid urban growth and increasing social inequality have led to intense pressures on basic services in many cities, with the poorest caught in a state of extreme vulnerability with limited access to essential resources. In this…

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The Islington Crime Survey: Thirty Years On


The ground-breaking 1986 Islington Crime Survey extended the reach of previous studies on crime in the UK by looking beyond borough-wide crime data to draw out specific trouble spots through a street by street analysis. This…

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Resilience and Porosity of City Borders: A Psychosocial Investigation in Three Brazilian cities


An important element in the right to the city is the ability to move freely through it, yet many poorer residents are isolated in marginalised neighbourhoods with limited access to other areas. Focusing on Porto Alegre,…

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Gentrification, Displacement, and the Impacts of Council Estate Renewal in C21st London


Amidst rising land prices and increased pressure on housing, many traditionally working-class neighbourhoods now face demolition and reconstruction as ‘mixed communities’. But while this new phrase of urban development has been widely criticized, the exact nature…

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DEPICT: DEsigning and Policy Implementation for encouraging Cycling and walking Trips


Walking and cycling represent the most sustainable forms of mobility for cities as they make the transition to low-carbon transport systems. Besides the environmental benefits, both can provide considerable health and wellbeing benefits to those who…

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The choreography of everyday multiculture: Bowling together?


The Choreography of Everyday Multiculture: Bowling Together? explores how the social dynamics of a heterogenous and fast-evolving area of London are played out in one of its leisure spaces, a local bowling alley. Connected to the…

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Public accountability to residents in contractual urban redevelopment (PARCOUR)


Regulatory instruments such as contracts, deeds and by-laws are used as tools to manage partnerships between different stakeholders in urban regeneration projects. However, these contractual relationships have significant implications for the democratic legitimacy of these projects,…

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JPI Climate: Collective Urban Governance, Innovation and Creativity in the Face of Climate Change (SELFCITY)


Climate change adaptation and mitigation are led by three distinct groups – governments, markets and communities – which, though often operating in tandem, bring different skills and resources to this process. But while there is already…

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Smart cities in the making: Learning from Milton Keynes


Smart cities in the making: Learning from Milton Keynes seeks to explore the little understood connections between new technologies and their users, with the aim of improving the connections between smart systems and citizens. Using Milton…

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