Resilience and Porosity of City Borders: A Psychosocial Investigation in Three Brazilian cities
An important element in the right to the city is the ability to move freely through it, yet many poorer residents are isolated in marginalised neighbourhoods with limited access to other areas. Focusing on Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Resilience and porosity of city borders: A psychosocial investigation in three Brazilian cities examines the impact of physical and social barriers within cities on mental wellbeing and self-esteem.
Drawing on a range of disciplines, in partnership with local communities and researchers, the project will examine how porous borders within cities can improve resilience and self-esteem in poorer areas. In particular, it will look at the potential of bottom-up social development initiatives in these favelas to support greater fluidity and inclusion. The findings will support local communities and policy makers to improve the welfare of disenfranchised urban citizens.
Sandra Jovchelovitch (Principal Investigator, Professor)
Jacqueline Priego Hernandez (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow)
Detailed review of literature connecting social psychology and urban studies to inform the research design.
Development of a international partnership between Brazilian and British research organisations.
Workshops in Brazil and the UK to bring together a network of researchers in different fields.