While discussions around post-industrial towns in Europe are frequently characterised by a discourse of decline, this overlooks the success of many small towns in navigating the changing economic realities of the last few decades. Bright Futures:…
Every fifth city in Europe and about 70% of cities in the former Soviet bloc countries are struggling today with a decrease in population and its effect on urban development (economic decline, built environment decay and…
While the effects of the economic crisis have been felt in urban regions across Europe, the level of impact has varied considerably from place to place. Nevertheless, there is currently limited understanding on the factors that…
A comparative study of the ongoing effects of austerity in Athens, Berlin and Newcastle, with a focus on the roles of alternative finance, grassroots mobilisation and community provisioning in meeting the needs of citizens.
A project researching multistakeholder governance in eight case study cities (Athens, Baltimore, Barcelona, Dublin, Leicester, Melbourne, Montreal and Nantes) in Australia, Canada and Europe.