Resilient Cities: Industrial Network and Institutional Perspectives on Economic Growth and Well-being
While the effects of the economic crisis have been felt in urban regions across Europe, the level of impact has varied considerably from place to place. Nevertheless, there is currently limited understanding on the factors that determine the resilience or vulnerability of a particular area to financial shocks.
Resilient Cities: Industrial Network and Institutional Perspectives on Economic Growth and Well-being aims to explore the role of institutions, networks and inter-regional links in determining the ability of cities to respond to the changing conditions of Europe’s post-recession economy. In particular, it will develop and apply a unified theoretical framework to assess how urban regions are adapting to develop industries, support technological growth and maintain competitiveness amid the shifting pressures of today’s globalised economy.
The findings will enhance knowledge on the drivers of urban resilience and provide policy makers with a better evidence base on the ways to promote smart governance.
Simona Iammarino (Principal Investigator, Professor of Economic Geography)
Riccardo Crescenzi (Professor of Economic Geography)
Quantitative comparative analyses of urban regions across the EU, with additional in-depth analysis in a number of selected regions.
Series of publications and papers, including ‘The geography of the economic crisis in Europe: National macroeconomic conditions, regional structural factors and short-term economic performance‘.