Wales Housing Research Conference 2020: Call for abstracts
The UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) is co-hosting with the WISERD Wales Housing Research Network, Shelter Cymru and the Welsh Government the Wales Housing Research Conference 2020. Housing and homelessness are high on the political agenda in Wales and there is an appetite for good evidence to inform better policy. In a world where the broader concern is that policy is increasingly influenced by fake news and systematic misinformation, the Wales Housing Research Conference 2020 will showcase research and evaluations on contemporary Welsh housing issues, providing a platform for reflection and knowledge exchange.
Researchers are invited to submit abstracts on any housing topic that might question, inform or support housing policies and practices in Wales. Research conducted outside of Wales is very welcome but should still offer lessons to Welsh policy and practice. Abstracts should be submitted via email to by 30 September 2019 and should be no longer than 250 words. Decisions on abstracts will be made promptly.
The event is free to attend and lunch will be provided. More information on the event and how to register is available here.