SHLC Capacity Development Acceleration Fund now open
Applications are now open for SHLC’s Capacity Development Acceleration Fund and Visiting Research Fellowship. The SHLC small grants fund supports a visiting research fellowship programme, as well as pilot research, knowledge mobilisation and research management projects, to help tackle urban, health and education challenges in neighbourhoods across fast-growing cities in developing countries.
The fund is open to individuals and organisations exploring and responding to urban, health and education challenges within cities across ODA (Official Development Assistance) eligible developing countries. Applications lead by Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC) are particularly encouraged to apply.
The fund is intended to support small-scale projects and activities such as a travel, transcription to support interviews and focus groups as well we venue hire and catering to support workshops and events. The fund does not cover staff costs, salary or studentships.
The deadline for applications is 29 November 2019. More information is available here on the SHLC website.