Understanding Urban Movements through Big Data and Social Simulation
Funded period: 05/15 - 04/18
Grant value: £247,514
Lead institution: University of Leeds
PI: Nick Malleson
Web link: https://www.urbantransformations.ox.ac.uk/project/understanding-urban-movements-through-big-data-and-social-simulation-leeds/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nickmalleson
Understanding Urban Movements through Big Data and Social Simulation looks at the ways that crowd-generated data through devices such as mobile phones and travel cards can help gain a clearer sense of health and crime in today’s cities. The research will benefit a range of stakeholders, including police, health workers and local authorities, who will be able to develop more targeted response for vulnerable populations in urban areas. The project is engaging a variety of public organisations and NGOs to maximise the benefits of the findings for their own activities.