The Re-Making of Chinese Urban Neighbourhoods: Socio-Spatial Transformation and Access to Public Services


Funded period: 01/16 - 12/18

The Re-Making of Chinese Urban Neighbourhoods: Socio-Spatial Transformation and Access to Public Services explores the ways cities are being reconfigured by these forces, with Chengdu, Hangzhou and Tianjin as case studies.Using the neighbourhood as the lens…

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Eco-Urbanisation: Promoting Sustainable Development in Metropolitan Regions of China


Funded period: 01/16 - 12/18

Eco-Urbanisation: Promoting Sustainable Development in Metropolitan Regions of China seeks to extend current knowledge on the connections between urbanisation, resource use and the environment. Focusing on the case study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region, the study…

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Strategic Network: Data and Cities as Complex Adaptive Systems (DACAS)


Funded period: 12/15 - 12/16

Strategic Network: Data and Cities as Complex Adaptive Systems (DACAS) seeks to promote a more holistic approach through the integration of a wide range of data sources.By bringing together an international group of researchers from a…

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Mental Health, Migration and the Chinese Mega-City


Funded period: 01/16 - 12/18

Mental health, Migration and the Chinese Mega-city looks at the complex issues facing migration populations in Shanghai, in particular access to public services, and their implications for mental wellbeing. Drawing on a review of the existing…

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The Urban Politics and Governance of Social Innovation in Austerity


Funded period: 01/16 – 01/19

A comparative study of the ongoing effects of austerity in Athens, Berlin and Newcastle, with a focus on the roles of alternative finance, grassroots mobilisation and community provisioning in meeting the needs of citizens.

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Governing the Future City: A Comparative Analysis of Governance Innovations in Large Scale Urban Developments in Shanghai, London, Johannesburg


Funded period: 01/16 – 01/18

A comparative study of developments in China, South Africa and the UK that explores the ways that competing concerns such as market-driven financing and public participation are balanced in different urban environments.

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Structural Transformation, Adaptability and City Economic Evolutions


Funded period: 12/15 – 06/18

A research project exploring the role of urban areas in driving economic growth, with a particular focus on their potential in the north of the UK.

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Jam and Justice: Co-Producing Urban Governance for Social Innovation


Funded period: 01/16 – 01/19

Research project to explore new ways of governing cities, with an emphasis on social innovation and inclusion of disenfranchised communities.

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New Urbanism in India: Urban Living, Sustainability and Everyday Life


Funded period: 11/13 - 12/16

Ethnographic study of modern urban developments in India and their integration of New Urbanism principles such as accessibility and diversity, with a particular focus on children and families.

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UrbanData2Decide: Integrated Data Visualisation and Decision Making


Funded period: 10/14 - 11/16

Statistical research project on the use and visualisation of complex information from social media and open data sources.

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