The Islington Crime Survey: Thirty Years On

Duration: 10/15 - 11/16

The ground-breaking 1986 Islington Crime Survey extended the reach of previous studies on crime in the UK by looking beyond borough-wide crime data to draw out specific trouble spots through a street by street analysis. This innovative research provided policy makers with the necessary information to target interventions in areas where residents felt especially unsafe.

Three decades later, The Islington Crime Survey: Thirty Years On re-examines the changing patterns of criminality and the implications of social forces such as gentrification. Drawing on various data sources, the project will explore how decreasing crime rates have benefitted some groups while others continue to experience repeat victimisation, with a particular focus on ethnicity.

The findings will provide an invaluable analysis of the effects of social and economic change in inner-city areas in the UK on crime, enabling police and local authorities to effectively target interventions at the most vulnerable.

Project website

Roger Matthews (Principal Investigator, Professor)

Collation of detailed victimisation data through interviews and other research.

Analysis of developments in distribution of criminal activity in context of the changing social environment of cities in the UK.

Engagement of key stakeholders including police and stakeholders to disseminate findings.