Urban Living Pilot – York City Environment Observatory: Diagnostic Phase

Duration: 06/16 - 03/18

Despite increasing recognition of the influence of urban environments on health, equity and wellbeing, the measurements used to assess them frequently include only a limited set of indicators, with little integration between different fields. York City Environment Observatory: Diagnostic Phase aims to address these shortcomings through the development of an innovative, multi-disciplinary data set that more fully captures the complex aspects of city environments.

Focusing on York, the project brings together researchers working in different specialisms to collate various open data sources into a holistic evidence base on the city’s social, cultural and natural environments. The outputs will support the foundation for the creation of the York City Environment Observatory, an innovative organisation that will strengthen urban governance and decision-making.

The findings will benefit communities, businesses, researchers and policy makers in York and other cities in the UK through the establishment of a collaborative, interconnected evidence base on urban environments and their impact on local residents.

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Creation of an integrated, multidisciplinary data set on urban environmental quality in the case study city of York.

Establishment of groundwork research, tools and methodology to support foundation of York City Environment Observatory.

Engagement of citizens, researchers, businesses, policy makers and other stakeholders through a range of stakeholder activities.