Urban Transformation in South Africa Through Co-Designing Energy Services Provision
Many cities, particularly those with a legacy of underinvestment and inequality, are struggling with the transition to more sustainable and inclusive energy systems. This is particularly the case in South Africa, where a large majority of the population is already urban and cities are characterized by inequitable, fragmented, and carbon-intensive energy systems.
The Urban Transformation in South Africa Through Co-Designing Energy Services Provision project, a study of transitions to low carbon and equitable energy systems in South African cities, aims to identify solutions to these challenges through a multi-disciplinary perspective that combines social, technical, and political expertise.
The research team will develop a detailed evidence base on energy access, supply and integration in selected cities across South Africa. Building on existing networks in the country, the project will engage policy makers, businesses and local communities through knowledge sharing, field research and stakeholder workshops. The findings will support the development of cleaner, more effective, and more equitable energy systems in South Africa, with important lessons for other countries in the region.
Federico Caprotti (Principal Investigator, Senior Lecturer in Cities and Sustainability)
Lucy Baker (Research Fellow)
Mark Borchers (Technical Director)
Stefan Bouzarovski (Professor)
Stephen Essex (Reader)
Jiska de Groot (Researcher)
Saska Petrova (Lecturer)
Jon Phillips (Postdoctoral Research Associate)
Deborah Potts (Reader)
Kim Coetzee (Postdoctoral Research Associate)
Yachika Reddy (Project Manager)
Louise Tait (Researcher)
Harald Winkler (Professor)
• Development of a series of in-depth local case studies.
• Multi-stakeholder workshops and knowledge sharing events.
• Series of published outputs including research papers and a book proposal.