Urban Gateways: Can Global Cities Provide Leadership for Global Governance?

What does ‘city leadership’ entail in an increasingly networked global scenario? How do city leaders respond to global challenges and contribute to global governance? How are they influenced by city- to-city networking? How does city leadership translate into strategic responses in both global ‘North’ and ‘South’?
Building on an ESRC Future Research Leaders award, Urban Gateways: Can Global Cities Provide Leadership for Global Governance?, UCL STEaPP has developed the City Leadership Initiative, a collaboration with UN-Habitat and World Bank Group designed to improve our understanding of how city leadership translates into long-term strategic visions, how it relates and contributes to global governance and how this global action is perceived ‘on the ground’ in cities.
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Michele Acuto (Principal Investigator and Research Director)
Sofie Bouteligier (Associate Fellow)
Greg Clark (Honorary Professor)
Simon Curtis (Lecturer in International Politics)
Susanne Namer-Waldenstrom (Project Manager)
Jo Ram (Research Associate)
Elizabeth Rapoport (Post Doctoral Fellow)
Andrew Stevens (Chief Researcher)
Collaborative research on the interaction between local city partnerships and global governance in a selection of major and secondary case study cities.
Variety of relevant publications drawing on the project findings, including peer reviewed papers, a monograph and a book series.
Public events to engage key city stakeholders, including a future city leaders workshop and a mayoral forum.
A multilateral window for city diplomacy
What is Habitat III and why does it matter? A beginner’s guide to the New Urban Agenda