Urban Development amid the ‘New Scramble’ for Africa

Duration: 02/17 – 07/19

Against a backdrop of rapid urbanization and increasing Chinese engagement in Africa, cities across the region are now being shaped profoundly by Chinese finance, investment and infrastructure development. Yet despite growing attention to China’s role in Africa, there is relatively little research on the specific impacts it may have in determining its urban future.

Urban Development amid the ‘New Scramble’ for Africa seek to fill this knowledge gap by exploring the interaction of emerging Chinese actors with established African and Western stakeholders, using Kampala (Uganda) and Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) as case studies. Drawing on extensive field research and surveys with African officials, international donors, Chinese migrant business people and local communities, the project will provide a comprehensive picture of the complex impacts of Chinese policy on African cities.

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Tom Goodfellow (Principal Investigator, Senior Lecturer)
Zhengli Huang (Research Associate)

• Extensive field research in case study cities of Kampala (Uganda) and Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) with African, Chinese and international actors.
• Series of multi-stakeholder workshops to exchange knowledge and perspectives.
• Dissemination of findings on role of Chinese investment in urban development in Africa through publications, partner networks and social media.