Governance and the Local Integration of Migrants and Europe’s Refugees (GLIMER)
The ongoing migration of people from conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria into the EU is routinely described as a crisis. Governance and the Local Integration of Migrants and Europe’s Refugees (GLIMER) explores how this crisis can be translated into an opportunities for European cities through the implementation of sustainable integration strategies for migrants and refugees, with a focus on Cyprus, Italy, Sweden and Scotland.
Building on the successes of southern Italy’s ‘welcoming cities’, this collaborative research project is working with a range of civil society groups, businesses, local authorities and refugee organisations in a number of medium sized cities in northern and southern Europe to support the development of policies that will benefit both arriving refugees and their host cities. Through knowledge co-production and partnerships, the research will strengthen understanding of how population decline, skills shortages and other challenges in urban areas of Europe can be alleviated through inclusive approaches towards newly arrived refugees.
Nasar Meer (Principal Investigator, Professor of Race, Identity and Citizenship)
Timothy Peace (Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Fellow)
Anna Elia (Researcher i Sociology)
Erica Righard (Associate Professor)
Artemis Michael (Project Officer)
Loprieno Donatella (Researcher)
Emma Hill (Research Fellow)
Ellen Cummings (Project Administrator)
Klara Öberg (Post-Doctoral Researcher)
Maio Claudio (Professor)
Henrik Emilsson (Researcher)
University of Edinburgh
Stirling City Council
City of Edinburgh Council
Glasgow City Council
South Lanarkshire Council
Scottish Refugee Council
Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)
The Black and Ethnic Minority Infrastructure in Scotland (BEMIS)
Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet)
Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations (CEMVO)
The Bridges Programmes
Comune di Acquaformosa
Comune di Mendicino
Comune di Riace
Regione Calabria
Servizio centrale del sistema di protezione per richiedenti asilo e rifugiati (SPRAR)
Cittalia (National Association of Italian Municipalities)
La Kasbah
Save the Children
Partnership Skåne
Malmö Stad (City of Malmö
Landskrona kommun (Municipality of Landskrona)
Helsingborgs kommun (Municipality of Helsingborg)
Trelleborgs kommun (Municipality of Trelleborg)
Region Skåne (County Council of Scania)
Skåne Stadsmission
Ensamkommandes förbund (Association of the unaccompanied)
Arbetsförmedlingen (The Swedish Public Employmente)
IM Swedish Development Partner
Yalla Trappan
The Ministry of Interior
Nicosia Municipality
UNHCR Cyprus
Future World Center
Asylum Unit
Aequitas NGO
National Machinery for Women’s Right
• Capacity building, network development and other collaborative activities in case study cities.
• Workshops and other shared platforms to support communication and knowledge exchange between refugees, local authorities and other stakeholders.
• Development of indicator framework and other tools to support development of inclusive policies towards refugee populations.
The Italian decree on immigration and security: Where next?
12 April 2019