Age-Friendly Guidelines and Recommendations: Glasgow, 4 October

The Place-Making with Older Adults: Towards Age-Friendly Communities (PLACEAGE) project (2016-19) has been undertaking research to explore how older adults experience ageing across different neighbourhoods and to identify implications for the delivery of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities. This exhibition will showcase a series of guidelines and recommendations for policy and practice towards age-friendly cities that have comes out of this research.
The exhibition contains input from local residents of their experiences of living across different urban contexts in the UK. We have gathered and analysed this data at the neighbourhood level and produced a set of national-level recommendations to guide policy and practice with regards to ageing in the UK.
The event will take place on 4 October 2019 at Glasgow City Halls, 87-101 Albion Street, Glasgow, G1 1NQ. The exhibition will open from 12pm – 5pm but please come for the launch at 12pm. Free lunch will be provided at 12pm.
Please register for the event here.