Rethinking the Urban Commons in European City-Regions
As part of the ongoing collaboration between Urban Transformations and a number of European partners, including the Brussels Centre for Urban Studies, Cosmopolis and Brussels Academy at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the final seminar in the series Bridging European Urban Transformations will take place on 12 February 2018 in Brussels.
The event, ‘Rethinking the Urban Commons in European City-Regions‘, will explore the concept of the urban commons and its implications in a range of different disciples. In particular the discussions will examine the conditions in which urban commons emerge, the factors determining their effectiveness and the ongoing challenges to their survival in today’s cities. The seminar will bring together a range of speakers and participants from a variety of fields to share their perspectives on this important subject.
More details about the event and how to register can be found here. For informal inquiries about this event, please contact Dr Igor Calzada at