Forthcoming UT event on ‘Research and metropolitan health in unequal cities’ in Brazil

Urban Transformations will be hosting with its partners, People’s Palace Projects and Casa Rio, an event on ‘Research and metropolitan health in unequal cities‘. Bringing together a range of participants and speakers, it will take place between 22 and 24 November in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The discussions will examine the implications of urban inequality as reflected in perceptions of the city environment as criminogenic, safe, healthy, polluted, remote or well-connected. Representations of stigmatised neighbourhoods considered unhealthy, violent and remote often generate a potentially self justifying domain of insecurity and inequality. In turn, urban dwellers living in areas with high levels of crime are often considered potential criminals rather than potential victims.

However, if city perceptions determine city experience, changing one could potentially influence the other. Could research and its results, despite their often intangible means, make urban life visible through a different lens, create concrete new urban experiences? This workshop aims to explore how urban research addresses the challenges of healthy, safe, and sustainable cities and affects urban experience.

More details about the event can be found here.