Urban Transformations to host Habitat III side event, “Transforming research into practices and policies”
Transforming research into practices and policies: Dialogues on implementation and evaluation of the new urban agenda
A Habitat III Side Event convened by: Urban Transformations Network, United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council (UK-ESRC)
Time: 17 October 2016, 08:00 – 09:00
Place: Room R19 @ Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana “Benjamin Carrion”
The Urban Transformations Network United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council (UK-ESRC) will be hosting a side event, “Transforming research into practices and policies: Dialogues on implementation and evaluation of the new urban agenda”, at the Habitat III conference in Quito, Ecuador, on 17 October. Bringing together local authorities, community leaders and researchers from Brazil, South Africa and the United Kingdom, the discussions will explore how comparative research findings and methods in the planning process can facilitate the implementation and monitoring of the 2030 urban agenda.
At the event, participants will be invited to imagine new ways for academic research to inform and be informed by planning interventions, with the aim of promoting lasting partnerships between researchers, community organizers and policy makers. In particular, speakers will debate what institutional support is needed to facilitate knowledge co-production and multi-level governance, as well as identify key challenges for the communication and sharing of ideas.
The discussions, focusing on pressing thematic areas of housing, gender inequality, urban sustainability, mobility and health, will include the following speakers: Representatives from the Prefecture of Rio de Janeiro, Parks Tau (Former Mayor of Johannesburg), Vanesa Castán Broto (UCL-DPU – Environment), Cathy McIlwaine (Queen Mary – Gender), Ramin Keivani (Oxford Brookes – Mobility) and Beth Chitekwe-Biti (Slum Dwellers International, Zimbabwe). The panel will be moderated by Michael Keith (UT-ESRC, COMPAS, Oxford Future of Cities).
Partner organizations:
University of Oxford; Centre on Migration, Policy and Society; Oxford Program for the Future of Cities; South African Local Government Association; Prefecture of Rio de Janeiro; Slum Dwellers International.
More information about the side event can be found here.