Forthcoming ‘Bridging European Urban Transformations’ workshop on Urban Living Labs (ULLs)


Urban Transformations and VUB-Brussels Centre for Urban Studies have announced a new workshop, ‘Experimenting with Urban Living Laboratories (ULLs) Beyond Smart-City Regions‘, to be held in Brussels on 13 February. Bringing together a range of expert speakers and panellists, this one-day event will explore the limitations of various ‘smart’ urban strategies currently being applied across Europe and the growing potential of experimental approaches such as Urban Living Labs.

This is the second in their jointly organised series, Bridging European Urban Transformations, a series of events held throughout 2016/2017 exploring a variety of areas, including big data, smart cities, social innovation and economic resilience. The first, on the use of smart data, was held in November: more about the event can be read in this piece, ‘(Un)plugging Data in Smart City Regions‘, by Professor Michael Keith and Dr Igor Calzada.

More details on the event and how to register can be found here.