The Experience of ‘Ageing in Place’ over Time: A Longitudinal Perspective


‘Ageing in place’ policies have become increasingly common as a means to provide the growing number of older urban residents with both personal autonomy and community support in the cities in which they live. To date,…

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Ageing Well in Urban Environments: Developing Age Friendly Cities and Communities


With a global population that is both urbanising and ageing, the question of how cities can accommodate the needs of its older residents is more pressing than ever. But while new approaches in urban planning and…

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Smart Shrinkage Solutions – Fostering Resilient Cities in Inner Peripheries of Europe (3S RECIPE)


Every fifth city in Europe and about 70% of cities in the former Soviet bloc countries are struggling today with a decrease in population and its effect on urban development (economic decline, built environment decay and…

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The KNOWledge politics of experimentING with smart urbanism


Across Europe, smart urbanism experiments are having an increasing influence on mainstream approaches to urban development. The KNOWledge Politics of ExperimentING with Smart Urbanism aims to assess the impact of these innovative approaches through a comparative…

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DEPICT: DEsigning and Policy Implementation for encouraging Cycling and walking Trips


Walking and cycling represent the most sustainable forms of mobility for cities as they make the transition to low-carbon transport systems. Besides the environmental benefits, both can provide considerable health and wellbeing benefits to those who…

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ASTRID – Accessibility, Social justice and TRansport emission Impacts of transit-oriented Development strategies


While urban agglomeration typically brings growth and prosperity to cities, the benefits are often experienced unevenly. Indeed, while more affluent residents may benefit considerably, poorer communities may bear the burden of congestion, air pollution and other…

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Reuniting planning and health: Tackling the implementation gaps in evidence, governance and knowledge


Urban planning and health outcomes in cities are closely interlinked, with environmental factors such as sanitation, air quality and green space all acting as important determinants of physical and mental wellbeing. Despite this, however, the two…

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Place-Making with Older Adults: Towards Age-Friendly Communities


Given the rapid growth of ageing populations in many cities, the importance of developing appropriate design interventions to enable active and healthy lifestyles for older residents is more urgent than ever. Place-Making with Older Adults: Towards…

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Healthy Urban Living and Ageing in Place: Physical Activity, Built Environment and Knowledge Exchange in Brazilian Cities (HULAP)


With one of the most rapidly ageing populations in the world, Brazil now faces an emerging health crisis as non-communicable conditions such as obesity affect growing numbers of older urban residents. However, while the built environment…

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Community-led Upgrading for Self-Reliance in South Africa: Integrated Construction and Environmental Management Systems in Informal Settlements


Across Africa, informal settlements struggle with poor housing, limited services and environmental hazards. But despite an increasing emphasis on participatory upgrading, communities are often constrained by lack of resources or technical knowledge to lead these processes,…

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