Smart cities in the making: Learning from Milton Keynes

smart city

Duration: 01/17 – 04/19

Smart cities in the making: Learning from Milton Keynes seeks to explore the little understood connections between new technologies and their users, with the aim of improving the connections between smart systems and citizens. Using Milton Keynes as a real-life case study, the project will work with a range of local stakeholders to gauge who smart activity is engaging, how and why.

‘Smart cities’ have received increasing attention in recent years for their potential to improve sustainability, participation and economic growth, attracting considerable investment within the UK and beyond. However, they have also been criticised for their failure to engage fully with the social realities of cities – in particular, the most marginalised urban residents.

The findings, as well as supporting the economic development of the British industry in smart urbanism, will also help the design of more effective, socially inclusive cities, benefitting not only Milton Keynes but also other centres in the UK and worldwide.

Project website PI Twitter

Gillian Rose (Principal Investigator, Professor of Cultural Geography)
Nick Bingham (Senior Lecturer in Human Geography)
Matthew Cook (Professor)
Parvati Raghuram (Professor of Geography and Migration)
Sophie Watson (Professor of Sociology)

Detailed empirical study of smart technologies in case study city of Milton Keynes.

Regular multi-stakeholder collaborative events and knowledge sharing.

Enhanced evidence base to strengthen civic engagement with smart technologies.

Urban Living Labs, smart cities – and the missing role of culture in their implementation
24 February 2017