Mental Health Literacy in Urban and Rural Communities in Kerala, India: An Interdisciplinary Approach Using Applied Theatre Methodology

Duration: 09/18 – 02/21

Mental Health Literacy in Urban and Rural Communities in Kerala, India: An Interdisciplinary Approach Using Applied Theatre Methodology is a collaborative research programme exploring the use of participatory theatre and media as tool to improve mental health literacy. Focusing on the Indian state of Kerala, an area where mental illness is still widespread and also the subject of continued social stigma, the project aims to support the development of innovative, culturally appropriate solutions to these challenges.

The research brings together a wide range of disciplines and spans a range of contexts, including cities and rural areas, with an emphasis on public engagement, social justice and story telling. The findings will promote a better understanding of mental health issues and community-led approaches to managing them.

Project website

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Raghu Raghavan (Principal Investigator, Professor of Mental Health)
Brian Brown (Professor of Health Communication)
Michael Wilson (Professor of Drama)
Monica Lakhanpaul (Professor of Integrated Community Child Health)
Asha Soletti (Professor)
Sivakami Muthusamy (Chairperson)
Santosh Chaturvedi (Professor)
Dinesh Bhugra (Professor)
Erminia Colucci (Senior Lecturer)
Meena KS Iyer (Associate Professor of Mental Health Education)
Nadia Svirydzenka (Senior Lecturer)
Lyndsay Bakewell (Research Associate in Applied Storytelling)
Indrani Lahiri (Senior Lecturer in Media and Communications)
Amanda Wilson (Lecturer in Psychology)

Project Partners
Chandradasan (Artistic Director)
Andy Barrett (Artistic Director)
Chitra Venkateswarn (Clinical Director)
Manoj Kumar (Mental Health Action Trust – MHAT)
Priyanandan (Film Director)
Sam Manickam (Director of Research and Training)

  • Multidisciplinary and collaborative research on mental health issues, focusing on a range of urban and rural contexts in Kerala, India.
  • Deployment of innovative and community-led approaches through participatory theatre and media.
  • Dissemination of findings in British and Indian journals.