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Habitat III – 18 October events

Event type: UT
Date: 18/10/2016

Official Habitat III events with UT involvement (participant or organizer)

Relación entre oferta y especialización en el uso de servicios modernos de
la energía en el sector residencial

8.00-9.00, Side event
Room R8, Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana “Benjamin Carrion”

Existe una oferta de energías modernas y no modernas, como priorizar el acceso según los usos de los mismos. Los actuales hábitos de comportamiento y formas de consumo en las ciudades promueven una alta demanda energética y la utilización de una variedad de vectores energéticos en las urbes, de servicios de energía modernos y no modernos lo cual tiene efectos sobre la sostenibilidad en el aprovisionamiento y uso eficiente de la energía.En este contexto el evento busca generar debate sobre como ofertar energéticos modernos a nivel de sector residencial la correlación existente entre la generación de energía y su uso final en el sector residencial urbano.El tema será abordado desde tres ejes: 1) situación actual de la oferta y el uso de la energía considerando los recursos y tecnologías de generación y su impacto en las formas de consumo del sector residencial; 2) Barreras y estrategias encaminadas hacia la especialización de la demanda para alcanzar la racionalidad en el uso de energía y potenciar el uso de los recursos locales; 3) Alternativas para la especialización y uso eficiente desde la demanda de energía.Para esto, se contará con exposiciones nacionales e internacionales que recojan diferentes perspectivas de análisis. Con este evento se espera generar insumos e ideas considerando la toma de decisión y planificación energética, el papel del desarrollo tecnológico, así como los aspectos sociales, culturales, ambientales y de salud asociados al uso de la energía.

Ministerio Coordinador De Sectores Estratégicos – Ecuador

Research and academia roundtable

8.00-10.00, Stakeholder roundtable
Room R21, Casa de la Cultura

Knowledge and Capacity after Quito: Mapping Out Academia’s Commitment to the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable Urbanization

Academics and researchers are advocates for the use of sound research methods, and support the co-production and sharing of knowledge to better inform policy-making and to strengthen the capacity of government agencies to serve their constituents. The academic and research community could also monitor the development, management, governance, and capacity building initiatives of human settlements worldwide. With a focus on the creation of a multi-stakeholder “knowledge platform” for sustainable urbanization and cutting-edge, scalable capacity building initiatives, this Roundtable will demonstrate how and why researchers and academics promote nature-based innovation, robust science-policy interfaces in urban and territorial planning and policy formulation, the use of a systems approach to understand and address complex urban issues, as well as institutionalized mechanisms for sharing and exchanging information and capacity building techniques. The Roundtable will focus on a set of actions needed to create and operationalize the engagement and contribution of the research and academia constituency in the Quito Implementation Plan, as well as in the monitoring of the New Urban Agenda.

Objectives of the Roundtable

  • Map out key priorities and activities that the academic and research community can pursue as part of its commitment to the New Urban Agenda and sustainable urbanization for the next twenty years.
  • Present and expand upon strategies to strengthen capacity building initiatives, especially in key regions.
  • Engage representatives of member states and policymakers in a discussion about the role and specific input of academia and research in the pursuit of sustainable urbanization.
  • Present and expand upon existing proposals to establish a global “knowledge platform” for sustainable urbanization.

Guiding Questions

  • Which should be the role of research and academia in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda?
  • What value would a Multi Stakeholder Knowledge Platform for Sustainable Urbanization add to existing knowledge production and sharing efforts at the national, regional, and global scales?
  • How would a Knowledge Platform operate, and what range of financial and human resources would it require?
  • What forms of capacity development initiatives does the New Urban Agenda engender/ require to address urban and rural human settlements in equitable sustainable manner?
  • How can capacity development initiatives be scaled up and/ or rolled out in the most vulnerable regions of the world?
  • How can we ensure a strong engagement from all partner institutions and individuals in the implementation process of the New Urban Agenda? (And related issues, including funding, workshops, etc.)
  • How can we ensure monitoring and evaluation the activities, performance, and achievements of the Constituent Group in the Quito Implementation Plan?
  • What value would a Multi Stakeholder Knowledge Platform for Sustainable Urbanization add to existing knowledge production and sharing efforts at the national, regional, and global scales?

Roundtable Follow Up
How do you propose to monitor the outcomes of this session in order to report back on progress at the 9th Session of the World Urban Forum (2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)?

HabitatXChange – Linking knowledge to policy: How can the scientific community contribute after Quito?

10.30-11.30, Pavillion Panel Discussion
Stall 27, Area B, Exhibition Hall

The General Assembly of Partners brought a unique perspective to the Habitat III process and provided the scientific community with an unprecedented platform to contribute to the development of the New Urban Agenda. The need for continued scientific engagement in the post-Quito implementation phase is clear. However, the mechanism through which the scientific community can come together and engage with other stakeholder groups has not yet been defined. This workshop session is an opportunity to develop a coherent approach that carves out a clear role for the community and allows it to efficiently coordinate its work and interface with decision makers.

More information

Improving living conditions of the informal settlements in the global south cities

11.00-12.00, Side event
Room R7, Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana “Benjamin Carrion”

This side event aims to discuss how cities are dealing with slums and informal settlements and its main challenges, as well as to identify the best ways to implement the corresponding guidelines presented in the New Urban Agenda.According to World Health Organization, almost 828 million people live in slum conditions, representing around one third of the world’s urban population. These residential areas are characterized by a lack of security of tenure, scarcity of basic services, public space and green areas and the absence of compliance with the formal arrangements of urban planning. The residents of these areas usually suffer more spatial, social and economic exclusion from the urban services and opportunities. They express fear for their children’s lives due to the location of their homes, and also face each day multiple types of risk, like natural hazards, violence, and diseases.Considerable investment have already been made to improve the live conditions in the slums, such as the provision of basic services as housing, streets, footpaths, drainage, clean water, sanitation, and sewage disposal, education and health care. Efforts are also been made in legalizing or regularizing properties and bringing secure land tenure to residents. However, the investments done in a neighborhood may cause gentrification, which is another important issue to discuss when it comes to slum upgrading.Representatives of local governments, international organizations and specialists are going to debate the priorities for slum upgrading, measurement of the upgrading policies effects, land tenure and the inclusion of the informal settlements in the urban planning.It is expected that this event contributes to establish a channel for future debate and best practices exchange, and also to the trail to develop a framework for practical implementation of the slum upgrading guidelines stated in the New Urban Agenda.

Rio De Janeiro City Hall

Partner organizations
UN-Habitat Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (ROLAC); Cities Alliance-Pereira Passos Institute of the City of Rio de Janeiro

Transformación de género, acción colectiva y la Nueva Agenda Urbana*

17.30-19.30, FLACSO Event
FLACSO, Ave Diego de Almagro

1. ¿Cómo entendemos la transformación de género? Este es un acto inherentemente político estrechamente asociado con cambios estructurales en las relaciones de poder de género que enfatiza la acción colectiva – a diferencia de la “”empoderamiento”” que se ocupa de la acción de mujeres individuales y el poder de negociación. El marco de la transformación de género vincula vías de acumulación de activos de género para el empoderamiento y la transformación.

2. ¿Cuáles son ejemplos de intervenciones transformadoras de género en las ciudades? Las panelistas, vinculadas a redes mundiales de mujeres urbanas, comparten ejemplos de intervenciones de transformación de género, negociaciones complejas de luchas de poder a largo plazo para confrontar las desigualdades y disparidades de género.

  • En Recife, Brasil, el Espacio Feminista, con la Comisión Huairou, ha luchado por obtener títulos de propiedad para las mujeres en el Ponte do Plan Maestro Maduro; la lucha empoderó a mujeres individuales logrando una transformación estructural en la regularización de tierras.
  • En las ciudades indias, SEWA, apoyada por WIEGO, ha dado voz y visibilidad a las trabajadoras informales a través de procesos de mediación con gobiernos municipales para que estos reconozcan los derechos legales de comerciantes informales.
  • En Zimbabue, las personas pertenecientes a la Federación de personas sin hogar, miembro de SDI, organiza grupos de ahorro para negociar con autoridades locales para asegurar la tenencia de la tierra, mejorar la vivienda, y otras mejoras
  • La migración internacional afecta la capacidad de las mujeres para reclamar sus derechos en las ciudades; FLACSO, un centro de investigación con sede en Quito pone de relieve las experiencias de transformación de la mujer ecuatoriana.
  • El Servicio por los Derechos de la Mujer Latinoamericana (LAWRS) se centra en los derechos de las mujeres de la diáspora en la ciudad en Londres a través de contextos globales.

3. ¿La NAU incluye intervenciones de transformación de género? La NAU tiene un largo camino por recorrer. Tres de los 32 párrafos que se refieren a las mujeres incluyen posibles intervenciones transformadoras; en la tenencia de la tierra, ciudades seguras y la economía informal. Pero incluso para estos carecen de los medios necesarios para su aplicación en la práctica.

* Non-official Habitat III event with direct UT involvement

The ESRC Urban Transformations network at Habitat III*

21.00-24.00, Informal gathering (invite only)
Café Mosaico, Manuel Samaniego #30 y Antepara, Itchimbía

* Non-official Habitat III event organised by Urban Transformations