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Creating Diverse Coalitions for Equality in Neoliberal Times : Locating the Emancipatory City

Event type: Portfolio
Date: 04/07/2018

Panel: Professor Chrissie Rogers (Bradford), Francis Ryan (The Guardian), Professor Kathleen Richardson (DMU) and Kitt Bolton (DPAC) – other speakers tba


Call for Abstracts

We are seeking abstracts for paper presentations that fit with the conference theme. It should be no more than 250 words, and in British English. Please send by email to the organisers on or before Friday, 30 May 2018.


We are pleased to offer a number of bursaries and especially encourage independent researchers, activists, PhD students and ECRs to apply. Bursaries will cover travel and conference attendance. Please email explaining in up to 150 words how attending or presenting is relevant to the work you are currently doing and providing estimated travel costs. Please apply by 30 April 2018 to the organisers.

Exhibition and workshop

An exhibition linked to urban life and disability and workshop about research involvement are also being organised by The People’s Forum and the Service User and Carer Research Audit Network (SUCRAN), De Montfort University.